Monday, January 9, 2023

Winter break

 This winter break I had a lot more time to sleep, getting to sleep in and enjoy full days with my boyfriend, but still having to work throughout the week.  I love all my Christmas gifts my favorite gift was probably my hydro flask with a straw and my new bed thats coming next week. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Perfect day in life

A nice and cool day, a pretty sky too look at when you go outside and go to a big ass thrift store and being able to find really good things and go eat out at kbbq after and then go to the mall to get sonny angels to add to my collection:)

Monday, November 28, 2022


Switzerland travel guide | Audley Travel Switzerland because it has beautiful sights and pretty mountains and it seems lie the air is so crisp and clear. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Weekly blog 11/7-1110

Monday 11/7 -  We put a clock on our blog page 

Tuesday 11/8- It was pouring rain so we did nothing really 

11/9- They brought the chickens in because it was too cold 

Thursday 11/10- We are filling in our weekly blog post for this week 

Winter break

 This winter break I had a lot more time to sleep, getting to sleep in and enjoy full days with my boyfriend, but still having to work throu...